In order to open up positive relations with contractors and provide at most efficient cooperation within the course of construction of railway siding, the customer should have a strong idea of the type of works required, their sequence, resource intensity and approximate duration period.

Below is an approximate chain of steps to be taken for construction of railway siding after selection and registration of rights for a land plot. Plot selection recommendations >>>

I. Heading Works

Approximate time of duration – 2 months, approximate cost ratio against the total cost of designing works - 30%*

1.        Preliminary topographical survey.

2.     Preliminary determination of a tie-in-point in the station track (line owner).

3.     Obtaining of technical specifications from road division units: railway connecting stations, track maintenance department, signaling and communication division, energy supply department, etc.

4.     Negotiation of technical specifications with the departments (traffic, routs, communications and signaling, electric power supply),  division engineer-in-chief, railway administration (traffic, routs, communications and signaling, electric power supply) and approval thereof by the engineer-in-chief of the railway administration.

5.     Final topographical and geological survey.

6.     Obtaining of technical specifications from the owners of utility networks crossing the railway siding or running in the immediate vicinity of it: gas pipelines, power transmission lines, communication channels, water supply system, cable network, highways, etc.   

II.  Designing Works

Approximate time of duration – 4 months, approximate cost ratio against the total cost of designing works 70%*

7.     Development of railway track design based on the obtained technical specifications.

8.      Approval of railway track design by:     

      à) Russian Railways institutions: railways units, railways departments, railway administration

      b) owners of utility networks and communications.

9.     Development of draft design.

10.  Approval of draft design by:

      à) Russian Railways institutions: railways units, railways departments, railway administration.

      b) owners of utility networks and communications.

11.  Approval of draft design by the railway administration.

12.  Applying to the Federal Railway Transport Agency for the purposes of determination of point of connection of a non-public railway track (authorization for connection).

13.  Obtaining of authorization (order) for a railway siding tie-in into public tracks from the Federal Railway Transport Agency.

14.  Approval by other local institutions.

15.  Appraisal of the project by the city planning council of the local administration.

16.  Obtaining of a construction license (by the customer for the entire object).

III. Construction Works

Approximate time of duration including all lay-outs from 2 to 4 months*

17.  Offset of communications outside construction zone or protection thereof within the construction site, construction of temporary roads.

18.  Digging works: blading fill materials or cutting, earth moving along the field of operations, leveling, sealing (punning) and draining of the future road bed (diverting of ground water, etc.), when necessary

19.  Installation of engineering structures: laying of pipe-culverts, gutters, etc. (to be carried out before or after digging works).

20.  Laying of track superstructure: formation of a ballast section, laying of rail seat (sleepers), laying and connection of rails, laying of switches and fixed crossing.

21.  Ballasting and surfacing of track.

22.  Installation of railway crossings.

23.  Interlocking of tracks and power switches, installation of automatic control at railway crossings, installation of power switches snow-removing systems.

24.  Construction or reconstruction of an overhead system.

25.  Construction of buildings, structures, platforms and elevated tracks.

IV. Putting into Operation

26.  Appointment of an inspection board comprised of: representative of the customer, representative of the contractor, representative of the connecting infrastructure, representative of the Federal Railway Transport Agency (inspection board meeting is to be convoked by the customer with the director of the plant as a chairman for 1-2 weeks).

27.  Execution and signing of the acceptance certificate by the inspection board.

28.  Designing of track certificate and service instructions.

29.  Approval of the certificate and instructions by railway divisions.

Approximate time of duration §§ 28 and 29 – 1 month including period of approval, approximate cost from 100 to 500 thousand rubles depending upon the length of the track.

*Terms and cost are given for an estimated object with 1-kilometer track.

**The list of approving institutions and procedure of putting into operation may vary and may differ from the above on the date of approval.

You may obtain more detailed information concerning approval of technical specifications and construction of railway sidings from our specialist by tel.: (499)-198-25-28 or personally. Besides, we are ready to arrange a seminar devoted to railway construction and its structure for your employees; and provide consulting services associated with selection of constructible plots.