If you are planning the construction of a railway siding to your facilities you should find out, when selecting a construction site, whether or not it is possible to construct a railway siding in the given place and connect it to the railways and how much it may cost. To do that you should know the following:

1.     Tie-in is only possible either with stationary tracks (not main tracks!) or non-public railway tracks (approaching tracks of plants).

2.     If stationary or approaching tracks are accessible from the site you will need to determine whether you can connect to them an additional railway siding technically. You should discuss it with the manager of the railway station to which the above tracks belong. You should also discuss with the manager technical possibilities of the station associated with operation of the planned number of carriages, as if there are no such possibilities the customer shall (at his own expense) reconstruct the station.

3.    The farther the site is located from the tie-in-point, the more expensive the construction of the railway siding will be. The optimum alternative is when the site borders upon the said tracks or lies within the distance of 1 kilometer from them. If the site is located farther you will have to compile a technical and economical feasibility report as the cost of a railway siding construction may be found equitable to the cost of construction of the plant itself. 

4.    You will need a land allotment for the connecting line from the station to the site. In which case the allotment area will depend upon the railway track curve radius, existence of cavities or embankments. Minimal width of the allotment shall be 12 meters (if there is a straight track running along the flat surface, i.e. there are no cavities and embankments).

5.    When a railway line runs across different sites belonging to different owners you will need to check whether you can purchase the land.

6.    Construction of tracks within the borders of the city requires offset, enhancement and   modification of a great number of communications, which raises the cost of the construction!

7.    The cost of the railway siding will be considerably higher in case of a grade crossing of such a siding with busy highways. In case of a different level crossing the cost of railway siding construction will increase a severalfold (the site is not recommended for construction).

8.    Crossing of water barriers (such as rivers, lakes), and discontinuity of topography height along the designed route will considerably raise the cost of the construction.

9.    Crossing of high-pressure pipe-lines and high-voltage power lines will increase the cost of construction less than the above.

10.  It is advisable to lay tracks parallel to station tracks. Otherwise it may result in occurrence of short-radius curves, which increases operational expenses and sometimes makes the construction impossible.

Specialist of our company will help you to consider all the above and many other details when selecting a site for railway siding construction. Contact us in time!