In railways construction our company functions as a general contractor of railways. The above implies that we bear responsibility for progress and results of railway siding construction and ensure completion of all its various stages comprising this compound process, including the following:
Design research and calculations
Cooperation with subcontractors market
Financial management
Materials supply
Quality control
Human recourses and daily activities
Cooperation with governmental institutions
Handling of documentation
Safety and security
The above aspects include the following activities:
Examination of initial site conditions and execution of necessary researches
Approval, planning, designing and making engineering solutions
Optimization of design, technical, technological, quality and cost characteristics
Subcontractors market research
Examination and application of advanced construction materials and methods
Arrangement of contractual bids, selection of best subcontractors, execution and signing contracts
Construction budget management to the extent of the approved cost calculation
Purchase, site delivery and storage of necessary materials
Thus, our company exercises a comprehensive approach towards construction of railways and guarantees its clients minimal market cost of the entire project works. Moreover, we undertake financial responsibility for construction project and guarantee commitments before the client as provided by the law. Successful introduction of track into operation shall be a part of our functions and a quality factor of works completed.